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Kayoko Yoshikai » Entries tagged with "power"

The Power of Setting Goals – John Assaraf

The Power of Setting Goals John Assaraf emphasized how important it is to know what we want to have and what we don’t want to have, in order to make our Power of  Setting Goals. Of course, we do know what we Don’t want to have. So we tend to think about it very often and focus on it too long. Yet we wonder why the negative results show up on our door step so fast as FedEx over night delivery. Have you noticed how we can manifest negative things faster than positive things while we are setting goals ?  We are not spending enough time to focus on positive outcome. So it it our best interest to innercise to hold the thought, vision and feeling to stay longer in that energy. Innercise is … Read entire article »

Filed under: Affirmation, visualization

The Power of Affirmation, Visualization & Meditation – Part 1

The Power of Affirmation, Visualization & Meditation – Part 1

The Power of Affirmation, Visualization & Meditation – Part 1 By John Assaraf / Affirmation John is in the movie The Secret. He’s the one who bought a new house and later realized it was the house he had a photo of a symbol of what he wanted. He is a very successful businessman and is also an athlete. A lot people get success with John Assaraf’s help. For example of the benefits of his coaching … Read entire article »

Filed under: Affirmation, visualization